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New video: Nigerian man was beaten to death by Libya Rebels.. Black People are being sold as Slaves in Tripoli, Libya at $400

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Arabs have a long history of treating black Africans badly. It's been estimated that up to 18 million black Africans were enslaved by Arab traders between the years between 650 and 1900. In fact, it still takes place, especially in places like the Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Mauritania.
Now is the turn of Blacks in Libya, especially Nigerians, they are been killed everyday in droves by the so called Rebel fighters, Europe & America will never say anything, all they want is for oil to start flowing back to the shore, I pity my Nigerians brothers and sisters still in Libya.
Libya is a quick route where most Nigerians take to Italy
See the video below for yourself: This is bad time to be a black man in Libya
This really goes to show that The Nigerian Government does not care about its people having quickly declared support for the Rebels killing Blacks in the name of Freedom.

Black People are being sold as Slaves in Tripoli, Libya at $400 a piece and the world is watching without saying anything.
see picture below :

PLEASE help to let the world know by # SHARING this post to rescue fellow blacks

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