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"Are you losing your mind? Would you like more control over it?, Then it's time to Own it!"... follow 'Own Your Mind' by Ademola Adeyemi on Naijahitplay

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                            OWN YOUR MIND


 'Own Your Mind' is a bi-weekly psychological and mental 'devotional' with the primary objective of helping you recognize yourself in order to have more control over your mind.  Rather than focus on scientific theories and spiritual postulations, 'Own Your Mind' will be addressing issues of the mind in a more pragmatic manner. For decades the world of science and religious institutions have exchanged intellectual and verbal blows over what approaches are best to address mental and psychological issues, with the former often coming out on top with more reasonable and palatable theories. However, even with the significant advancement and progress western medicine has made in recent years, and the countless amount of research carried out yearly on mental and psychological ailments, our society is still ridden with people living with all sorts of mental and psychological problems, with depression and anxiety being the most popular ones. The world of science have come up with so many therapeutic and medicinal methods of dealing with both depression and anxiety, and to some extent these methods have been effective as people are now able to manage these ailments so much that they don't affect their quality of life. However most of these methods do not work for a lot of people and consequently, they give up on having a normal life or worse still end up caving in to depression and committing suicide.

  We humans are unique is so many ways, with so many unique physical and physiological features distinguishing one person from others. We have our unique fingerprints, voices, walking postures and retinas to mention a few. And just as we have our unique physical features, our minds are also unique. No two people in the whole world have exactly the same mental and psychological interface, also no two people in the world reason exactly alike. Our unique experiences, genetics and natural preferences (the amalgamation of these three factors define our mental foundation and psychological interface) mean that no two people in the world can access their brains, manipulate their emotions and harness their fundamental proclivities in the exact same way, so the application of generic therapeutic and medicinal methods to mental and psychological issues might never be able to help everyone living with mental and psychological problems. Most of the drugs applied to tackle mental and psychological ailments are often designed to counter the effects of chemical imbalance in the  brain, and as much as some of these drugs succeed in addressing the chemical imbalance, they cannot change the interface of the mind, (the interface of the mind being the foundation upon which all mental and psychological characteristics are built) consequently leaving the patients to depend on the drugs (addiction) to regulate the effects of a faulty mental foundation, without actually dealing with the original source of the problem.  The therapeutic approach on the other hand is often applied concomitantly with the medicinal method, and it is the method that actually seeks to reach the primal source of mental and psychological ailments. And just like the medicinal method, it also works for some people, but just wouldn't help most others. The positivistic study of the human mind has played a significant role in understanding and addressing mental and psychological issues, however just like the medicinal method, it is only be able help some people while most others are unable to benefit from it. Therapists are trained to use scientific methods to determine the nature of (diagnose) mental and psychological ailments, but unlike other parts of the body the brain (which is the 'avatar' of the mind) especially it's functionality is very complex and cannot not be properly understood solely with the instrumentality of universally accepted scientific theories or postulations. One major reason why scientific methods cannot be enough in addressing mental and psychological issues is that the differences between two people with the same mental problems are often more than the similarities, and also these differences are often less conspicuous than the similarities due to the uniqueness of each person's mind and the general complexity of the mind.
In essence, in addressing the issues of the mind and dealing with mental and psychological problems, therapeutic, spiritual, and medicinal methods might be enough to help some people while it might never be  enough for most others. Discovering who you are, knowing yourself to most basic and fundamental level is another significant approach towards addressing mental and psychological problems which most people are not very familiar with. Taking drugs and visiting a therapist are effective ways of dealing with mental and psychological issues, however taking the time to objectively understand your own mind within your capacity even while you take drugs and visit therapists can go a very long way in helping you. This is not an advocation for self medication, it is the recognition of  the role your own mind is capable of playing in healing itself just like your body does. Because even after you visit a doctor and take drugs, your body itself does the ultimate job of healing itself, so if you feel that the drugs and the therapy are not as effective as you would like, the next thing to do is own your mind! Research your mind with your mind itself, tear down the walls caging your mind using your mind itself, because as said earlier, just as mother nature has put in place self healing mechanisms within the body, it also has them within the mind, it's just a matter of unlocking those mechanisms.
This is where 'Own Your Mind' comes in, we are not here to rubbish the importance of medicinal and therapeutic methods in addressing mental and psychological problems, we are here to put you through on how  to help your mind heal itself, because no matter what anyone or any book tells you, the ultimate healing of your mind still depends on your mind. So we are here to help you attain the level of awareness and  objectivity required to help you understand your own mind up to the level where you can fully Own it!
So visit naijahitplay every Wednesday and Sunday as we help you find the path to owing your mind!!

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