Byte show 99 multi Talented Show

Byte Show 99* is a talent show that showcases and awards talented participants from a vast genre of art without prejudice.
The talent show is brought about in May 2022 by Byte Column (BCP), a multimedia production brand based in Tampa Florida USA.
The Founder and Creative Director at BCP is Gospel Nwachukwu.
As an African American content creator Gospel came up with the concept behind Show99.
In an exclusive interview with OG Loaded and Gospel, he said "the idea is to give talented individuals a fair opportunity to showcase their skills to the world with chances to also win awards in the process."
In Gospel's own words, "I have been a firsthand witness to the bitterness of having talents without a fair opportunity to showcase them. So, when the idea of the show sprung up, I knew I had to do something about it."
When we asked about the number 99, the response we got was that the number 99 that is associated with the show is a motivation from his friend group of content creators and entrepreneurs. "...we have a motto that says '99 Bad, only 1 Good.'..." - Gospel N.
Show99 requests that every contestant shows up with the mindset to lay down everything they've got. "...but that 1% should be reserved for the Grand Finale." - Gospel N.
Information we gathered from a LIVE stream on byteshow99's instagram page shows that the in-person auditions will hold on May 7th at Ikeja Lagos. While the Grand Finale of the season 1 of Byte Show99 is scheduled for May 14th 2021.
We can't wait to report the outcome.
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